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January 8th, 2010
Houston Mock Selection Session

This is it everyone...the big one! Or at least the first of many to come. We've been part of some fairly sizable mock sessions up to now, but its time to take it to the next level and start making some real noise. We're hoping to have 250+ attendees and the media at this event with Tim Cox.

We need everyone in the greater Houston area to help promote this event to make it a success. We're asking for you to respond with a commitment for 1) fund raising to support the promotion of the event, 2) the number of guests you can bring, 3) ways in which you will volunteer to help.

We will need help with arranging the promotion (newspaper ads, radio spots, billboards, etc.), handing out flyers and door hangers, and setting up for the event. Please send a note if you want to volunteer in your area.

Thanks Kevin and Preston

Are you sick and tired of Congress? Tell them to Get Out of Our House! GOOOH is a non-partisan plan to evict all 435 career politicians in the House of Representatives and replace them with everyday American patriots selected by their peers and not tainted by special interest $$$$$. Why the US House of Representatives? The Constitution of the United States, Article I Section 7 "ALL BILLS FOR RAISING REVENUE SHALL ORIGINATE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES.

Reviews from those who have participated in prior mock sessions have been outstanding. You will leave energized and perhaps inspired!

Come witness this demonstration and walk away with a new mission.



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