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January 27th, 2010
Cheers Mr. President! The State of the Union Drinking Game

Obama says "let me be clear" Do one shot

Obama says "change isn't easy" Do one shot

Obama says "make no mistake" Do one shot

Obama says "Let me be clear, change isn't easy, make no mistake." He's screwing with you to get you drunk, so five shots

Joe Wilson yells something Do two shots

Obama yells back Finish the bottle

Obama says "jobs" Do one shot, two if you're unemployed

Obama says "health care" Do not drink, you will not be given a replacement liver

Nancy Pelosi claps like a seal Do one shot

Nancy Pelosi becomes a seal STOP DRINKING FOR THE LOVE OF GOD

Obama mentions Bo Put beer in your dog's water bowl

Michelle Obama wears a slinky dress Do a shot blindfolded

Joe Biden nods-off/laughs inappropriately/starts talking before the speech is over Do three shots

Obama uses the term "Congressional leadership" Do two shots carefully as all that laughing will make it difficult to swallow

Obama says he's "fighting for you"

Do one shot, two if you believe him

Obama mentions Haiti

Share one shot with 10 of your neighbors

*Adapted (with slight alterations) from the Huffington Post*

***************************PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY***************



Veronica - 2014-11-17
Felt so hopeless looking for answers to my qu.stions..euntil now.
by Veronica

Amilton - 2014-11-16
My advice would be to start lnkiig bare trees and take more pictures like these!One might think, though, that you started a fire back in the woods so you could astound all of your CDP friends! ;-)Very, very nice, Tricia. Each is just a little bit different than the other, but all are simply stunning!Hope your New Year is starting out well!
by Amilton

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