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February 9th, 2010
W&J's guest of the Morning...Christian Slater! Stay Tuned, coming up in minutes!

Come Tue., Feb. 9, Elisha Cuthbert, who's had some memorable scenes in her career, is joining Christian Slater on the ABC mystery drama 'The Forgotten' in a recurring role. It's not the first time the two have worked together -- they paired on the big screen in the 2007 dark comedy 'He Was a Quiet Man,'in which she played a quadriplegic and Slater an office drone with homicidal fantasies.

On 'The Forgotten,' Cuthbert's Maxine Denver joins a team led by Slater of non-professionals who help law enforcement identify Jane and John Does. The Jerry Bruckheimer-produced series, which premiered in the fall, marks a new television venture for Cuthbert, who's best known as Kim Bauer, daughter of Jack Bauer on Fox's '24,' and for the movies 'Old School,'and 'Love Actually.'

We chatted with Slater and Cuthbert about the similarities between 'Quiet Man' and 'The Forgotten' -- besides the dead bodies -- and about how 'The Forgotten' has started to solve real-life John and Jane Doe mysteries.

I was going to ask you if victims rights groups have contacted you about the show but there's been a development in that, right?

Slater: When we started the show I really didn't have any knowledge that there are people out there who do what we do. But there are real people like you and me, volunteers, who are willing to go that extra mile to give these families that closure that they desperately need.I started to hear about different organizations like [Project] Edan, which stands for Everyone Deserves a Name, and NamUs.gov [The National Missing and Unidentified Persons System], which has actually been very influential in solving recent Jane and John Doe cases. When we started, I had a feeling that we had a real opportunity here to do something significant and really solve some real cases or at least play a part. I'm thrilled and honored and humbled to say that that started to happen.



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